Allergen Awareness

Course Description

Allergies occur when the body’s immune system reacts to a usually harmless substance as though it is harmful. Why this happens, isn’t clear. However, most sufferers come from families that have a history of allergies, or related problems. Every year, the number of people with allergies is increasing so having an awareness of potential allergens and why they can be harmful is becoming more important, particularly if you work in the service industry.

This course covers general allergies, food allergies and food intolerances and explain the differences between them. It covers the 14 allergens controlled by legislation along with food additives and how they can trigger allergic reactions. It takes a detailed look at the symptoms of food allergies and takes in the wider picture discussing the current theories of why rates are increasing. It then finishes off by covering practical steps that can be taken to reduce the risk from allergens and also what steps can be taken both internally and externally to monitor the control measures.

Target Audience

This course is aimed at anyone working within the food industry and can be sold to individuals or pitched to businesses who might want to put all of their staff through the training.


Allergic reactions can have serious consequences so knowing which substances can cause them and how to avoid cross contamination is vital to anyone working in the food industry

CPD approval means that this course can be used by those that need to prove they are continually developing themselves.

Online training is flexible, efficient and cost effective meaning the candidate can progress through the modules at their own pace and in their own time, so they can fit the training in around their work and personal life


Module 1: Food Intolerance and Allergens: The Basic

Module 2: Food Intolerances- Causes and Symptoms

Module 3: Allergies- Causes and Symptoms

Module 4: Allergen Facts

Module 5: Food Allergens and the Law

Module 6: Food Allergens- Practical Steps

Module 7: Allergen Information for Consumers

Module 8: Internal Monitoring and Review

Module 9: External Monitoring and Review

Duration: 100 Minutes

*Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off.

Achieving Food Hygiene Rating Level 5

This course is intended to give you an overview of how the National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme works, what the scoring criteria are and how these are assessed by the inspectors, the appeals process, the Safer Food Better Business management system, E-Coli and concludes with some practical advice for ensuring your premises gets the best score possible.


Module 1: Food Hygiene Ratings- An Introduction

Module 2: Scoring Criteria

Module 3: Appeals

Module 4: Safer Food Better Business

Module 5: E.Coli

Module 6: Good Hygiene Structure and Cleaning

Duration: 50 Minutes

*Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off.


Safeguarding Children

Our Safeguarding courses have been created because, first and foremost, each and every one of us has basic human rights. Chief among these is the right to be healthy, happy and treated well, regardless of race, age, gender or location. When these rights are abused in some way it’s wrong, and it is therefore vital that guidelines, policies and procedures are followed to enable everyone, without exception to live a life in which these basic values and rights are maintained and upheld.

Everyone, regardless of their age, gender, religion, ethnicity or background has the right to a healthy, happy life. Safeguarding is about minimising and managing the risks to vulnerable individuals.

This course, ‘Safeguarding Children’, is aimed at anyone who has a duty of care for, or comes into contact with children in their chosen profession.

Although most children are brought up in loving, nurturing environments and grow up to lead happy lives, the subject has to be discussed in order to better protect those children that need it most.

During this course you will hear many facts, figures and details surrounding the risk to children, the types of abuse suffered, how to recognise the signs of abuse and key safeguarding legislation put in place to minimise the abuse of children.

Once you are able to recognise the signs of possible abuse, and know the steps you should take if you suspect it you will be better able to protect the children in your care.


Module 1: Introduction to Safeguarding Children

Module 2: Types of Abuse, who may carry it out and why children may not tell

Module 3: How to Recognise the Signs of Abuse

Module 4: What to do if you suspect a child is being abused

Module 5: Safeguarding Legislation

Duration: 75 Minutes

*Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off.

Introduction to Emotional Intelligence

Course Description

Emotional Intelligence is a set of emotional and social skills that collectively establish how well you perceive and express yourself, maintain social relationships and cope with challenges. It’s not just a passing management fad, in fact it is based on a great body of data, based on studies of tens of thousands of working people taken from a wide range of industries.

The research shows which qualities make a star performer and while Emotional Intelligence isn’t the sole predictor of performance potential, it has been proven to be a key indicator in this area.

This course will introduce the concept of emotional intelligence and look at how you can use it in effective and meaningful ways. It will examine the difference between emotional intelligence and IQ and dispel some of the myths surrounding emotional intelligence. It contains a sections on the advantages and disadvantages of using emotional intelligence and considers the biological purpose for emotions and how best to manage them. Finally it will highlight the role played by emotions in the workplace and provide practical advice including tips for using emotional intelligence to deal effectively with emotions in situations that can arise in the workplace.

Target Audience

This course is aimed at supervisors and managers that want to develop more effective relationships with members of their teams. The course can be a great starting point for people new to their leadership role as well as more established managers that want to enhance their skills. This acts as a great introduction to the subject and covers the key concepts and theories relating to emotional intelligence.

This course can be sold to individuals who are doing the training for themselves or it can be pitched to businesses who might want to put all of their first line management team through the training, so they are all work in the same way and have the same skill set.


CPD approval means that this course can be used by those that need to prove they are continually developing themselves. Online training is flexible, efficient and cost effective meaning the candidate can progress through the modules at their own pace and in their own time, so they can fit the training in around their work and personal life.


Module 1: What is Emotional Intelligence

Module 2: understanding and Recognising Emotions

Module 3: Emotional Intelligence at Work

Module 4: Tips for dealing with emotions at work

Duration: 50 Minutes

*Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off.

Introduction to Early Years Foundation Stage

The Early Years Foundation Stage, commonly referred to as the EYFS is a framework that all Early Years providers, including childminders, must follow.

This course aims to provide a gentle introduction to the expectations of the Early Years Foundation Stage and it can also act as a refresher for those wanting to update their knowledge. It will introduce you to some of the key documents and legislation that relate to Early Years providers, the process for registering with Ofsted and the various policies and procedures that need to be in place. It also covers learning and development requirements, how to observe and assess the progress of children in your care and the safeguarding and welfare requirements laid out in the EYFS Framework.


Module 1: Introduction to EYFS

Module 2: Observations & Assessment

Module 3: Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements

Module 4: Ofsted

Duration: 60 Minutes

*Note: This is based on the amount of video content show and is rounded off.

Autism Awareness

Course Description

Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with and relates to other people around them. According to the National Autistic Society, autism affects about 700,000 people in the United Kingdom, which equates to 1 in 100 of the population and the number of children being diagnosed with the condition is continuing to increase.

This course will provide you with an understanding of what autism is and how it affects a child’s daily life. It will touch on what factors contribute towards a child developing autism as well as some of the typical behaviours associated with it and how you can provide effective support for those with the condition. It also discusses what happens during the diagnosis process, some of the intervention methods that can help manage the condition and suggests some simple adaptations you can make to improve a child with autism’s day to day life.

Target Audience

People working in adult and child care environments.

Those working in all areas of care may come into contact with people who has Autistic Spectrum Disorders ASD. Although the course focuses on children with autism, having an awareness of the condition and how best to provide support to someone with ASD will be of use to anyone who interacts with and cares for children and adults as part of their work.


Having a knowledge of the typical behaviours and challenges associated with ASD can equip you to identify these and act in a supportive way.

CPD approval means that this course can be used by those that need to prove they are continually developing themselves.

Online training is flexible, efficient and cost effective meaning the candidate can progress through the modules at their own pace and in their own time, so they can fit the training in around their work and personal life.


Module 1: Definitions, context & Background

Module 2: Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder

Module 3: Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder

Module 4: Testing and Support

Duration: 30 Minutes

*Note: This is based on the amount of video content show and is rounded off.

Anti Harassment and Bullying

Your Company should be committed to providing a working environment free from harassment and bullying and ensuring all staff are treated, and treat others, with dignity and respect.

This course covers the commitments that will be laid out in your company’s anti-harassment and bullying policy. It then explains the differences between harassment and bullying, the steps that can be taken if either of these occur in or out of work, and some case studies to illustrate the points covered throughout the course.


Module 1: Policy Commitments, Harassment and Bullying

Module 2: Informal Steps, Raising a Formal Complaint and Investigations

Module 3: Action Following Investigations

Module 4: Case Studies

Duration: 32 Minutes

*Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off.

Personal Protective Equipment

Course Description

In the UK there are approximately 144 fatalities in the workplace and around 621,000 non-fatal injuries every year. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) plays a vital role in managing Health & Safety risks. However, historical data shows many workers suffering injury were not wearing this clothing.

This course will show how wearing PPE plays a crucial role in preventing and reducing fatalities, injuries and diseases that would otherwise occur in the workplace. It includes details of a wide range of PPE options, examines the legislation and regulations that govern the responsibilities of employers, employees and suppliers, and provides a real-life case study showing the law in action.

The course will also cover risk assessment and the role it plays in the selection and use of PPE along with discussing other hazard control measures that can be implemented.

Finally, the course will move on to how to use, fit and wear PPE and understand its physical and theoretical limitations.

Target Audience

This course is primarily aimed at people that work in industries such as construction where they are likely to need to use a wide range of PPE on a daily basis. However, there are many other areas of work where PPE is required such as factories, warehouses, window cleaners, healthcare workers, beauticians and many others.

One of the key things this course is intended to do is to teach people why they should use the PPE that is supplied to them and it is some of these other work areas where this message will be most effective.


Candidates understanding how and why they should use PPE will mean they are more likely to use it consistently and correctly throughout their work. This has the advantage of reducing their risk of injury. Online training is flexible, efficient and cost-effective, so candidates can progress through the modules at their own pace, in their own time, making it easy to fit the training around their work and personal life.


Module 1: Introduction

Module 2: Regulations & Responsibilities

Module 3: PPE in Practice

Module 4: Risk Assessment, Selection and Use

Module 5: Types of PPE

Module 6: Maintenance and Replacement

Duration: 60 Minutes

*Note: This is based on the amount of video content show and is rounded off.

Manual Handling

Course Description

Manual handling, or to be accurate, incorrect manual handling, is one of the most common causes of injury at work. To try and combat manual handling problems, the Manual Handling Operations Regulations were introduced.

The Regulations lay out duties for both employees and employers. They give a general requirement that employees must be trained to manually handle correctly including the use of any equipment their employer provides to handle loads safely.

This course outlines exactly what constitutes manual handling and covers the regulations and legislation that apply to manual handling tasks. It then goes on to cover safe handling techniques and how to develop good habits in relation to manual handling. It finishes off by introducing some practical solutions and the use of mechanical aids.

Please note that this is an awareness course only, if your duties include manual handling you will also need further practical training, you can get in touch with us to arrange this.

Training your employees with our online system will go a long way to giving them greater awareness of the dangers that poor manual handling poses, as well as covering safe handling techniques, practical solutions to manual handling issues and the use of mechanical aids.


Module 1: What is Manual Handling

Module 2: Manual Handling Regulations

Module 3: Safe Handling

Module 4: Learning Safe Handling Habits

Module 5: Practical Manual Handling Solutions

Module 6: Use of Mechanical Aids

Duration: 75 Minutes

*Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off.

Working in Confined Spaces

Course Description

At the end of this course you’ll be able to demonstrate your understanding of the control measures to be followed when working in, or near to, confined spaces as detailed in a safe working procedure

This course will cover the legislation associates with working in confined spaces. What counts as a confined space, the potential hazards, safe operating procedures, emergency procedures and rescue.

Important note: This is an awareness course only, designed for people who need to be aware of the hazards and risks of confined space working but are not required to enter a confined space. If you are required to perform any work activity in, or in the proximity of, a confined space then you will also need to have an ‘approved’ standard of practical training at the ‘appropriate’ level


Module 1: The Law

Module 2: Confined Space and the Dangers

Module 3: Safe Procedures

Module 4: Communication, Emergencies and Paperwork

Duration: 25 Minutes

*Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off