Basic Legionella Management

Course Description

Current legislation set out by the Health and Safety at Work Act along with the HSE’s updated code of practice known as L8, state that companies and building owners have a legal duty to manage Legionella.

Our interactive training course is aimed at all employers and staff to assist them in identifying the danger that Legionella poses, as well as covering ways to identify and assess sources of risk from Legionella on the premises.

It also gives you enough knowledge to get a Legionella control programme off the ground yourself – or make confident, informed choices when commissioning others to take this on for you.

Target Audience

This course is primarily aimed at building and facilities managers and maintenance professionals that have nominated responsibilities for water systems. Advantages Lack of training and awareness of Legionella have been shown to be factors in many outbreaks of legionella. Having adequate training and carrying out appropriate checks can ensure water system safety.

The course is approved by ROSPA giving you peace of mind and delegates increased confidence that the content is accurate and relevant.

Online training is flexible, efficient and cost effective meaning the candidate can progress through the modules at their own pace and in their own time, so they can fit the training in around their work and personal life.


Module 1: What is Legionella

Module 2: Risk Areas

Module 3: Legislation

Module 4: Risk Management

Module 5: Water System Monitoring

Module 6: Cooling System Awareness

Duration: 75 Minutes

*Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off.

Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

Course Description

The Confederation of British Industry estimates that the cost of workplace conflict is around £33 Billion each year. It also estimates that up to 20% of leaders time is spent dealing with conflict and then there are the intangible costs such as reduction in loyalty, commitment, motivation, teamwork and morale.

This course starts by explaining what constitutes conflict in the workplace before moving on to look at some of the most common causes and the effects this can have on the workforce.

It covers the stages and build up to a workplace conflict and contains several extensive modules that outline conflict resolution techniques that can be applied at any stage of this build up.

As well as the negative impacts of conflict the course also explores how effective management of conflict can result in positive outcomes in the workplace. These can be the development of shared ideas, the ability to reach compromises through increased trust and creating an environment where differences of opinion are celebrated and considered rather than shut down.

Target Audience

This course is aimed at supervisors and managers that want to develop effective conflict resolution methods. The course can be a great starting point for people new to their leadership role as well as more established managers that want to enhance their skills. This acts as a great introduction to the subject and covers the key concepts and theories relating to conflict management.

This course can be sold to individuals who are doing the training for themselves or it can be pitched to businesses who might want to put all of their first line management team through the training, so they are all work in the same way and have the same skill set.


Left unmanaged workplace conflict can be damaging to relationships, team morale and ultimately the company’s bottom line. Having a knowledge of effective conflict resolution techniques and strategies and taking a proactive approach to resolving issues will lead to a better work environment and more effective teams.

CPD approval means that this course can be used by those that need to prove they are continually developing themselves.

Online training is flexible, efficient and cost-effective, so candidates can progress through the modules at their own pace, in their own time, making it easy to fit the training around their work and personal life.


Module 1: The Causes and symptoms of Conflict at Work

Module 2: Resolving Conflict

Module 3: The Five Conflict Modes

Module 4: Using the Modes

Module 5: Assertiveness

Module 6: Making Positive Outcomes

Duration: 45 Minutes

*Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off.

Display Screen Equipment Awareness

Our display screen equipment courses are aimed at users of display screen equipment (DSE) and those responsible for assessing display screen equipment. A ‘user’, is anyone who regularly uses display screen equipment for a significant part of their normal work. In practice, if you use display screen equipment continuously for more than one hour a day, then you’re a ‘user’.

So what do we mean by display screen equipment?

The first thing most people think of is a computer monitor. But that’s not the only thing it refers to Display screen equipment could also mean laptops, tablet PCs, televisions, smartphones, CNC control pads, portable diagnostic screens or equipment containing cathode ray tubes, or CRTs.

The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations contain special directives covering DSE safety. Both employers and employee‐users have responsibilities under the legislation.

This course fulfils your statutory training obligations and covers among other things,,, the correct way to set up and use your display screen equipment safely. Reducing the risk of work related conditions.


Module 1: Introduction

Module 2: Legislation

Module 3: Protecting Your Body

Module 4: Adjusting Your Chair

Module 5: Adjusting Your Screen

Module 6: Work Arrangements

Module 7: Adjusting the Layout of Your Workstation

Module 8: Adjusting Your Work Environment

Duration: 50 Minutes

*Note: this is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off.

Effective Delegation

Effective delegation is an essential skill to learn if you want to be an effective manager. After all, the best managers don’t strive to be super-heroes.

Instead, they are exceptional at picking good people to do what they need to have done, and then letting them get on with it.

However delegating effectively can be difficult. It means identifying the right tasks to delegate, overcoming barriers to delegation and taking the time to delegate properly so that everyone knows what they’re expected to do and by when.

When it’s done right the benefits are numerous and improve the working lives of everyone involved from the managers to the staff and it has wide ranging benefits to the organisation as a whole.

This course will start with the essentials – defining exactly what we mean by delegation and why it’s so important. It then goes into details about, the elements of delegation, overcoming the barriers to delegation, how you can choose which tasks to delegate and who to the process of delegation and much more.


Module 1: The Course Structure

Module 2: What is delegation, and why is it so important?

Module 3: Elements of Delegation

Module 4: The benefits of Delegation

Module 5: Overcoming the barriers to Delegation

Module 6: Choosing what to delegate

Module 7: Who you should delegate to

Module 8: The process of delegation

Module 9: Completion, follow-up and evaluation

Duration: 110 Minutes

Equality, Diversity and Discrimination

We’ve all heard and used the words ‘equality’ and ‘diversity’ before but what do they actually mean and how do they affect you as an employer or employee?

Well if you take the words on their own they are actually quite different, equality is the state of being equal, especially in rights and opportunities.

Diversity is the state of being different or varied.

However these 2 things should not be seen as opposite to each other, after all people can be different but they still have the same rights.

When it comes to places of work there is legislation in place to ensure that we all meet our responsibilities in relation to equality and diversity… And one way to make sure we meet these responsibilities is through training.


Module 1: What is Equality & Diversity?

Module 2: Equality and Diversity Legislation

Module 3: What do we mean by Discrimination?

Module 4: Promoting Diversity

Module 5: Links between Values, Attitudes and Beliefs

Module 6: Stereotypes, Prejudices and Discrimination

Module 7: Institutional Discrimination

Module 8: Valuing Others

Module 9: Resistance to Feedback

Module 10: Course Summary

Duration: 70 Minutes

*Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off.


Negotiation is a basic means of getting what you want from others. It’s a back and forth communication designed to reach an agreement when you and the other side have some interests that are shared and others that are opposed.

This course covers the basics of what constitutes a negotiation, the key stages of a negotiation, skills you can apply to your negotiations and some practical advice so you can bring all of this together and become a more effective negotiator.


Module 1: What is Negotiation?

Module 2: The Key Negotiation Stages and Skills

Module 3: Negotiating Positions

Module 4: The Negotiation

Duration: 45 Minutes

*Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off.

Stress Management

The Health and Safety Executive states that ‘work related stress develops because a person is unable to cope with the demands being placed on them’. This can come from any aspect of their life but it often comes from demands placed on them at work.

So why is stress a problem in the workplace?

Well the latest estimates show the total number of cases of work related stress depression or anxiety account for 39% of all work related illness.

Some occupations may be more susceptible to stress but it can affect anyone and can impact on health, ability to function effectively at work and at home and in relationships.

This course will cover an introduction to stress and why it’s a problem, some of the causes of stress and some ways to minimise the risk of stress.


Module 1: What is Stress and why is it a Problem

Module 2: The Causes and Symptoms of Stress

Module 3: The Law on Stress and its Contravention

Module 4: Minimising the Risk of Stress

Duration: 30 Minutes

*Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off.

Presentation Skills

Giving a successful presentation can be one of the hardest parts of many people’s jobs.

Ultimately preparation will be the key to success when it comes to giving a presentation, but how do you make sure you are prepared enough?

What about the structure? The content? How should you use visual aids?

Being a successful presenter also involves understanding your audience, their expectations and needs.

This course covers the common mistakes people make when preparing for and giving a presentation so you can avoid these, as well as going over good practice and providing some practical advice that you can put to good use the next time you have a big presentation to make.


Module 1: Presentation and its Structure

Module 2: Content

Module 3: Visual Aids

Module 4: The Presentation

Module 5: Listening

Module 6: Learning Names

Duration: 55 Minutes

*Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off.

Objective Setting

Setting clear and precise goals and objectives ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal, allowing for business and personal growth. Objectives clarify priorities and allow employees to allocate their time and resources more effectively. They also introduce a way of understanding how work will be measured and evaluated, thus enabling employees to evaluate their own performance, and make adjustments as necessary.

This course aims to help you write effective objectives that deliver results. It covers the importance of goals and objectives and why we need them, the barriers to you achieving your objectives and how to overcome them, what SMART objectives are and how to write and identify them and concludes with some tips for successful objective setting.


Module 1: Why Goals and Objectives are Important

Module 2: SMART Objectives

Module 3: Tips for Successful Objective Setting

Duration: 30 Minutes

*Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off.

Disciplinary Procedures

The aims of the disciplinary procedure are to provide a framework within which managers can work with employees to maintain satisfactory standards of conduct and to encourage improvement when necessary.

This course covers the aims of the disciplinary procedure, penalties including investigations, allegations and suspensions, procedures for carrying out hearings, and appeals.


Module 1: Disciplinary Procedure and Confidentiality

Module 2: Investigations, Allegations and Suspensions

Module 3: Notification of a Hearing, the Right to Be Accompanied and Procedure

Module 4: Penalties, Their Effects and Appeals

Module 5: Holding disciplinary Hearings and a Case Study

Duration: 45 Minutes

*note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off.