Donaghy Safety Training’s Business Skills Suite gives you all the essential tools to develop further in your current or new role.
Our business courses can be completed remotely and a Certificate is issued on completion.
Business Skills Courses Available
- The Principles of Performance Management
- Time Management
- Sales Skills
- Sexual harassment in the Workplace
- Principles of Communication
- Project Management
- Managing Meetings
- Managing Sickness and Absence
- Leadership Skills
- Introducing GDPR
- Customer Service
- Developing Good Employee Relations
- Developing Teamwork
- Data Protection in the Workplace
- Disciplinary Procedures
- Objective Setting
- Presentation Skills
- Stress Management
- Negotiation
- Equality, Diversity and Discrimination
- Effective Delegation
- Display Screen Equipment Awareness
- Conflict Resolution in the Workplace
- Basic Legionella Management
- Assessing Display Screen Equipment
Social Media Courses Available
- Twitter for Business
- Social Media for Business
- Search Engine Optimisation for Business
- LinkedIn for Business
- Facebook for Business
Click the above links for further information on each course